Saturday, October 15, 2016

Download Super Mario Run for Android .APK and iOS .IPA

Recent news was that Super Mario Run was leaked to Apple's App and Google Play stores for a short time. This crazy British guy downloaded this game through some exploit and was uploaded to his site for a few hours until nintendo took them down. We downloaded these .apk and .ipa files and successfully tested them on samsung s6 and iphone 7. So now we can confirm this game officially runs on any iPhone and iPad devices also all newer android devices. We made this pack of .IPA and .APK versions of the game for you to download and enjoy this amazing and funny game! Beware it is very addictive! 

To Download Super Mario Run game press the button below

Super Mario Run .IPA .APK Download

For installing .IPA apps i'm using this TUTORIAL for any iOS devices. For Android just transfer .apk file to any location and run it on any file browser.

More about the new mario game

Super Mario Run is a side-scrolling, auto-runner platformer game. The player controls Mario as he automatically runs from left to right. The player must tap the touch screen to make Mario jump.The longer the screen is touched, the higher Mario jumps. Like other side-scrolling Super Mario games, the player must maneuver Mario over gaps, onto enemies, and into coins to collect them. The end goal is for the player to safely get Mario through the level in the fastest time possible. In addition to the main game, there is a separate (Toad Rally) game mode where players can challenge ghost versions of other player's play through the levels, similar to the time attack modes found in most Mario Kart entries. Playing either game mode earns the player coins that can be used to buy items for creating and customizing their own Mushroom Kingdom in a separate, third gameplay mode. More about game here.

So guys enjoy the game and share this page with friends!

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